My Pets Schedule


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***Absolutely no adds or in app purchases EVER!***Your pets schedule can be complex. But we can help you with that. Our user interface on this app is clean, simple, easy to use and understand. Our app layout will have you setting alarms and reminders within seconds. Our app allows you to add multiple pets and set multiple alarms and reminders for all of your pets. With 6 separate categories of alarms and reminders, its easier to set specific alarms for most of your pets needs. Our app allows you to add and save your pets important information and details.
Our reminders and alarms are:
• FEEDING REMINDERS: Your pet needs a consistent feeding schedule. Our app allows you to add as many feeding reminders as you need.
• WALK AND PLAY TIME REMINDERS:Most pets need to stretch and move. Setting reminders is a great way to ensure your pet gets the time it needs.
• POTTY TIME REMINDERS:It doesnt matter what pet you have, they all need some potty time. Whether its cleaning the cage or training your dog, our reminders help you take care of your pets needs.
• GROOMING AND HYGIENE REMINDER:Pets cant shower themselves or cut their own nails. They cant remove old snake skin or change out the natural bedding in the cage. They need us for that. We help you remember when to do it.
• VACCINE AND VET VISIT REMINDER:Keeping up with our pet’s medical needs and appointments is very important for their overall health. Sometimes we can forget, after all, we are just humans. Our reminders help you never forget another vaccine or appointment.
• MEDICATION REMINDERS:Just like humans, our pets need medications and vitamins to treat conditions and maintain good health. Our reminders allow you to set multiple alarms for different times of day, to ensure your pet gets its medications.
• WEIGHT TRACKER:Weight changes in a pet can be the result of a medical condition or lack of food tolerance. Our app allows you to input and track your pets weight.
• PET INFORMATION: There’s a lot of information about our pets that is important in order to identify them in case they are lost or even stolen, but we can’t remember it all. Our app allows you to store custom information about your pet.
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